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Monday, December 23, 2024

Two apologies and an announcement

 Hi everybody,

Apology Number One: Getting right to the point, I want to apologize for not posting very often. Unfortunately, between my day job and family emergencies, I haven’t been able to post as often as I would like. This leads to…

Apology Number Two: ‘The Lone Star, the Red Banner, and the Rising Sun’ will not be released by the end of the year as I had anticipated. I apologize for this. The same work and family issues that have prevented blog posts have also been interfering with my writing in general. Frankly, I have been writing so much for my day job that by the time the weekend comes, I don’t even want to look at a keyboard.

I want to get this done and out the door as much as y’all want to read it. But, since this will have my name on it, I want it done RIGHT. I’m planning for this to be the final book of the WW2 story arc, so I want to give it a good, plausible ending that also lays the groundwork for the next story arc. Unfortunately, at the moment it’s not even close to being done. I will continue to work on it as much as I can, and I will also continue to post snippets to demonstrate that I am working on it.

I can’t give any sort of realistic estimate of when it will be finished. Again, I apologize. 

Finally, I would like to announce that all of my books will be on sale starting on December 25th, 2024 at 8:00 AM EST, running through January 1st, 2025 8:00 AM EST. If you have any friends or family members that you think might be interested in my work, this would be a very good time for them to buy it.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support.

D.A. Brock


  1. It's good to know that your healthy and active. There's nothing to apologize for. Brother, I've been retired for 3 years and still haven't organized my desk yet! I have enjoyed your books immensely and a Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Thank you, L.F. And Merry Christmas to you also!

  2. Thanks for the update. I've enjoyed reading this excellent series - and looking forward to the next book! Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, Roger.

  3. Just nice to know you didn't fall into a black hole, never to be heard from again. I had been getting concerned. Don't push yourself too hard and risk your physical or mental health. Storytelling is a marathon, not a sprint. Have a happy New Year!

  4. Don't worry about posts. Family comes first. We'll be waiting here for the next installment as it comes in. I must say that I'm very happy reading these three books being a Texan and all. I look forward to any other books that arrive.

  5. Since Amazon is making it impossible for me to download ebooks from them, is there another way to purchase your future books? I use ePub and have been able to extract the ePub from Amazon's Kindle abomination format but Amazon is making that almost impossible trying to lock everyone into a substandard ereader format. Thus I will no longer be able to buy kindle books and need to find a good ePub book source.
